An open letter to the Board of Directors of TOCCATA:
As a founding member of TOCCATA, my family and I have invested 20 years of performance, and over a quarter of a million dollars into TOCCATA. Because we care so deeply for the community of music lovers, musicians and staff members, and donors, we will actively assist in the transition of the organization that is necessary to revitalize and grow our community for the next 20 years, and hopefully beyond our lifetimes. All comments positive or negative are welcome to be emailed directly to me at tahoedavidbrock@gamil.com. I will also post this open letter to the home page of my website: www.davidbrockmusic.com. For you to share with others.
I am proposing the following:
- Reorganization of the Board of Directors
TOCCATA’s Board of Directors will nominate which members of the Board of Directors of TOCCATA will stay and reduce the retained board to 3 existing members, who will serve until the end of 2025 with the opportunity to be reappointed. Those who wish to serve during this transition will submit a 1 page email expressing their desire to continue, and what attributes they contribute in experience, knowledge of the arts, development capabilities (why they should serve)
Nominations for 2 new board members, one to represent the chorus, and one to represent the instrumentalists will be accepted until Friday February 21, 2025 @4PM. Please send your nominations to me at tahoedavidbrock@gmail.com. I will share them with other TOCCATA parties of interest who have served either on the BOD previously or have performed for 3 years or more previously.
Two additional Board positions will remain open for the time being, with the opportunity to add members with significant arts, business, and financial experience.
As a condition of being on the Board, each Board Member will pledge to contribute $1000 per quarter, or $5000 per year. By being continually invested, the Board will be careful and active in the financial decisions of TOCCATA.
- Improved efficiency and clear responsibilities:
Not less than 50% of the organization’s budget will be spent on labor costs for orchestra, soloists, staff, with no person or affiliated group receiving more than 20% of the budget.
The reorganized Board will select and announce an Interim Artistic Director, and an Interim Executive Director within 14 days, who will be employed under contract.
A compensation and conflicts committee will be formed to include a member of the chorus, a contracted orchestra player, and at least one other business experienced member of the Board. Any situation that would present a conflict will be expeditiously reviewed by this independent group.
Board members may be paid as staff or musicians, who may gift back their compensation. Any Board Member who is paid must be approved by the compensation and conflicts committee. If servicing the conflicts committee, the committee member must be recused. Those who work hard for the organization should be acknowledged for their time.
- Looking to the Future
As part of this reorganization, a review of staff tasks and responsibilities will be undertaken immediately, with an effort to clearly delineate responsibilities and improve efficiency.
Candidates will be invited to apply for the position Executive Director, and Artistic Director. Interim appointees are eligible to be permanent appointees. ) Please submit your available time commitment and salary range expected to sanyulya@sbcglobal.net
Guest conductors and artists will a part of this reorganization. Not only for primary series concerts but also for special projects TBD (chamber music, senior living, music in the schools) During the transition period a search for a permanent Executive Director and Artistic Director will continue.
Post reorganization, a review of the existing bylaws will be undertaken, with the goal to revise or review any policies that may in conflict.
The transition board agrees to be available 4 times per week, for a maximum of 1 hour per meeting. A periodic time window for these meetings will be established. Beginning May 2025, the time commitment shall be reduced to one to two times weekly or less, with regularly scheduled updates between the Board and staff at monthly intervals. Board members must be present at 80% of the meetings.
In summary:
With a reorganization, TOCCATA will become an even better arts organization, and a first choice among musicians and concert-goers: for the quality of its productions, for the support of its outstanding community of musicians, and for the breadth of its guest artists and repertoire.
The existing Board will need to take decisive action on the above proposal within the next two days (February 21st, 2025), so that there is adequate time to continue with the planned programming for the rest of the year.
Most sincerely.
Alex Eisenberg, interim
David H. Brock, artistic advisor